Kat’s Branding Shoot

Buckle up readers…

Please “keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, and prepare for a roller coaster.”

Kat, an amazing photographer capturing all things lifestyle, booked her branding shoot with me and expressed wanting it to feel like she was away on a holiday, soaking in the scenery through a small cabin in the woods while honing her craft of photography. We found the cutest rental on Peerspace, and immediately knew it was the location for our shoot together.

I asked Kat to tell me a little about her story and how she got into photography herself. For Kat, it wasn’t a story to share, but an experience. One that, with permission, I am sharing with you to hopefully inspire the way Kat inspired me.

It all started with a spiraling modeling career and a gift on her 18th birthday. “I opened my present and was shocked – my own DSLR camera. I took that thing everywhere – school, sporting events, babysitting, even just a walk down the street. I had fallen head over heels for my new hobby, but it still wasn’t quite where I wanted to be. I was still losing weight. I was still sleeping for most of my free time. I was declining rapidly.” This modeling career had kickstarted an eating disorder, that when coupled with a troubled home life, ultimately led to her receiving treatment from a professional. After her treatment, Kat’s passion for photography grew even stronger. “I had a purpose now – freezing memories for families, friends, and even myself. I was in love again. In 2015, I graduated with an associate degree in art. I studied abroad, met knew friends, and tried new things. It’s where my obsession with film photography started. I wasn’t just about capturing memories anymore; it was about creating them now.” Fast forward to now, and she wants to make sure every client understand that who they are naturally is who they’re meant to be and it’s worth celebrating. She wants every client to know that she is rooting for them, empowering them, and showing them that they’re worth it.

I am honored that Kat chose me as her branding photographer to be a part of her journey and capture her passion and love for photography through my very own art. I am honored she shared her life experience with me and you to inspire us to never give up on achieving our dreams, even through any challenging hardships that may come our way.

As Kat would say, Thank you for reading.“Your ride has now come to an end. Please wait for it to stop completely before undoing your seatbelt and proceed with caution.”


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